Reading 2016

Ladies & Gentlemen the Original Music of the Hebrew Alphabet, and Week-end in Mustapha, Curt Leviant

Small Lives, Pierre Michon

Mr. Bones, Paul Theroux

Journey from the Land of No, Roya Hakakia

Screening Strangers: Migration & Diaspora in Contemporary European Cinema, Yosefa, Loshitsky

The City of Falling Angels, John Berendt

The Summer of Katya, Trevanian

* How I Came to Know Fish, Ota Pavel

Mind Over Medicine, Lissa Rankin

W.H.R. Rivers, Richard Slobodin

The Girl from the Fiction Dept. (Sonia Orwell biog.) Hilary Spurling (re-read)

1000 Days in Venice, Marlena deBlasi (rr)

* The Ruby in the Smoke, Philip Pullman

* The Horse The Wheel and Language: How Bronze Age Riders from the Eurasian Steppes shaped the Modern World, David W. Anthony

Street of Eternal Happiness/Shanghai, Rob Schmitz

Once Upon a Time in the North, Philip Pullman

Lyra’s Oxford, Philip Pullman

The Edge of the Nest/the Solitude of Ivan Turgenev, Christopher Cruise

Iridescence, Peter Wells

The Broken Road, Patrick Leigh Fermor

The Tin Princess. Phillip Pullman

What am I Doing Here, Bruce Chatwin rr

Memoirs of a Medieval Woman/Marjorie Kemp rr

Lilla’s Feast, Frances Osborne

She Stoops to Conquer, Oliver Goldsmith

Varieties of Disturbance, Lydia Davis

In Search of the Trojan War, Michael Wood

Pamela, Samuel Richardson

My Thousand and One Nights/a Story of Mecca, Raja Alem, Tom McDonough

Man of Ashes, Solomon Isacovici + Juan Manuel Rodriguez

Carry Me Across the Water, Ethan Canin